Monday, March 19, 2012

Thank you, Alison!

As we wrap up the St. Patrick's Day Critique (didn't leave leave a comment yet? It's not too late!), HUGE thank-you's go to our special guest critter, Alison Weiss, who took the time to leave super awesome feedback on all the entries! You rock, Alison!

Critique can be hard, so during this time it's important to make the choice not to let the faults of your work override how much you love it. Take a deep breath, step back, and tackle those problems when you're ready!

Thanks for participating, and hope everyone enjoyed.

Until next time!


  1. I just want to APPLAUD the efforts of all 9 participants -- and your bravery, too! The stuff you've shared here is, in my opinion, well above the "standard norm" for upper high school and early college writing.

    Well done!

  2. I wrote this to Authoress, and I'm going to say it to the nine brave souls who offered up their writing for critique: Some of these entries could easily be hitting my inbox as agented submissions. The quality is incredibly high, and you've all done an extraordinary job.

    Thank you for letting me be part of the fun, and keep up the writing.

  3. Thanks to everyone who offered critiques for my submission, and especially to Alison for donating her time to this! Your perspectives were all invaluable to me (especially when my critique-ers disagreed!), and I appreciate it so much. You're all awesome.

  4. Thanks, Alison! You've definitely eased my worries about going on sub next month :)

  5. Thank you both for taking the time to offer critiques! They were incredibly helpful. :)

  6. Thanks, critiquers! ^^ Even though I just whipped up a quick scene for the challenge, it's good to know what kinds of things I should be watching for during my revisions. :)

  7. *facepalm* I opened the link, read all the submissions, and then forgot about commenting in the flurry of small children underfoot. *sigh* I did love all the submissions, though! Everyone did fabulous. ^^
